Sunday, July 29, 2012

Cabin Amenities

I can’t believe the wifi is fairly reliable, because nothing else is. I must be a little dim, because it took three spills on the end table beside the sagging (but comfy) couch before I realized that the table is broken. It’s one of those tables from the 50s with two levels, the lower one for magazines and junk shoved under the upper lamp level. In this case, one of the pressed board panels on the upper level  is separating from the other two, though it can be pressed back into place. The weight of the lamp and a cup of coffee must be too much for it.

Other discoveries: don’t pull too hard on the pull string that turns on the bathroom light; sit carefully to avoid tipping over the second “double” bed – it’s really a double mattress on a twin frame; the curtain rods are wedged into the frame with the broken handle of an old pan; each of the three mini-fridges has a different non-working component; reading is challenging with a 25-watt bulb.